Imprint / Impressum

MatchLocal e.V.

Stindestr. 22 | 12167 Berlin | Germany


MatchLocal is registered as non-profit non-governmental organisation / eingetragener Verein (gemeinnützig) in Berlin, Germany.

Register no: VR 40397 B (Amtsgericht Charlottenburg)

Tax registration/Steuernummer: 27/672/60036.

Authorised Representatives: Dr. Diane Bombart and Dr. Joel Winckler

The statute and annual reports can be found here.

Photos: Copyright / All rights reserved Löffelbein and Winckler. Photos are intended for illustration and visualization of the website only and may not be used for any other purpose.

Responsible for content referred to § 55 ABS. 2 RSTV: May be contacted via details above.

No responsibility or guarantee is assumed for the content of external websites.